We are all aware of the longtime feud between Benzino, 50 and Eminem.

Well, with the release of Benzino's new magazine Monsta, Benzino has said that he is willing to work with 50 and Eminem.

Benzino told SOHH.com "I've learned to separate my personal issues to an extent. I understand who I am and what I say. I'm never gonna be PC, I'm always gonna speak my mind. They're still monsters in the game. I'm sure you'll see them getting coverage in there. Hopefully we can get 50 on the cover and get a good feature with him."

He also said that he would be willing to give the newely unemployed Elliot Wilson (former editor of XXL Magazine) another chance once they sat down and talked about their differences.

Benzino knows where the money is at and he is trying to make that dough. I can't hate on him cause I am trying to make my money too!
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