The Wire Is Back!!!

by Profit |

Okay…this is the last season of The Wire and the first episode left a lot of speculation.

For starters, no one was killed, shot, robbed, beat up, etc. Just a bunch of police mad they aren’t getting their overtime pay. Michael got his own block with Dukie as the lookout but he realizes that being lookout just ain’t Dukie’s thing. With the major crimes unit now dissolved, it seems as if Marlo will be able to run his business as usual.

I ain't gonna go too much into detail cause I don't want to spoil it for those that haven't seen it yet.

With this being the last season, I was ready for a bigger premier, but, I can’t be mad, because I watched all 59 minutes of it and was satisfied. I just know from what I have been told, there are many twists, turns, and surprises coming up!

There are also rumors of the HBO series turning into a movie. Series creator, David Simon says they have the money to make it happen, so let’s hope they can make a deal!
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