I like this dude!

His verses that he spit on the Neptunes CD were ill.

Well...he has had his share of legal battles over the years and he has realized that he is his own holdup.

In a recent interview with SixShot.com, he talks about holding himself back.

"Keep a look out for music from me. I'm giving the sh-- away," he said. "I'm not holding back this year. I have been preoccupied with life, and wasn't concerned with this rap sh--. Now my priorities have been redirected and refocused"..."That sh-- happened twice (going to jail). It's difficult shaking old ways. Making the transition from street dude to corporate guy, it's still really difficult," Roscoe said. "The sh-- is like menopause. I get hot flashes and want to spazz the f--- out on folks. The pen doesn't make it easier"..."A lot of it was my fault. Kept going back [to prison]. As much as I hate that place, sure been there a lot. Sucks. Can't change the past. Can only learn from it..."

There is no definite date for a release.
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